Traning Infrastructure
The Regt Centre since its raising on 01 Jan 1948 at Palampur (HP) had shifted four times till it finally settled down at Lucknow in 1983. Today our Regt Centre is one of the finest in the Country. This would not have been possible without the vision of successive Cols of the Regt and perseverance of the Centre Comdts. This booklet gives the info to the reader about the monuments and facilities created at the Centre since 1983.
10 Mtr Air Rif and Air Pistol Indoor Shooting Range. An international standard 10 meter Air Rifle and Air Pistol Indoor Shooting Range with a seating capacity of 200 spectators is coming up in the 11 GRRC. It will have all the facilities for holding shooting competition of International/National/ Services level.
Integrated PT Circuit. The circuit comprises eight different activity stations. The activities are so planned to cater for stamina, strength and explosive power. One pl of rects/Agniveers is divided into eight gps and then given exposure of two to three minutes on each station. A single instructor controls the circuit and can easily supervise the whole session.
Drill Nursery. Drill nursery was established for corrective training in drill. The standard of recruits/ Agniveers in drill has improved remarkably by the use of reflex mirrors, shoulder sling and locking stand, saluting stand, stamping stand and slow march stand.
HRDC. Centre has a well designed integrated HRDC for fulfilling its educational training reqmts. HRDC has a library, computer training lab, language lab, map reading nursery, six class rooms and an exam hall.
WT Nursery. The centre has a well-designed WT Nursery to train rects on wpn trg. All necessary assemblies and diagrams of wpns are available in WT Nursery to make rects understand functions of wpns.
Drona Sml Mk III. The Centre is equipped with Drona Sml Mk III for amn free firing prac of rif. Rects/ Agniveers utilize these facilities regularly, due to which firing stds of rects and Agniveers have improved remarkably
MR Nursery. MR Nursery has been devp in the Centre to impart trg to rects/ Agniveers on Map Reading. It is a part of HRDC and all necessary a assistance related to Map Reading is being provided to rects/ Agniveers at MR Nursery.
Reflex Shooting Rg. Reflex Shooting Rg has been designed inside the Centre premises to impart trg to rects on reflex shooting which can help them in Cl/ CT Ops. Rects/ Agniveers carry out practice firing with the help of powder ball shooting rif.
FE Nursery. FE Nursery is designed to provide all round trg to rect/ Agniveer on Field Engineering and this nursery plays a vital role to cover all relevant aspect of Field Engineering.
House Intervention Drill. A model house is constructed in the CI Trg Area for practice of rect/ Agniveer on House Intervention Drill. This facility is being utilized by rect during their trg pd which build confidence in them in House Intervention.
Trap & Skeet Shooting Range. This facility is designed to improve firing stds of sportsmen in trap and skeet shooting.
Slithering. Mannequin of heptr has been designed to impart trg to all rks on Slithering. This facility helps in building confidence in slithering from heptr.
Cmptr Trg Lab. A 25 line thin client Cmptr Lab for conduct of IT trg is available in the Centre. In addition to this a 30 line state of the art Modern Computer Trg Lab has been created to conduct Online Quiz Module for Agniveers and Pre Course participants. The Online Quiz module has been accredited as one of the Best Practices by the Inf Dte.
500 Meter Baffle Range. The existing long rg has restricted firing prac only from 100 m. As an alt, project for constr of a 500m Baffle Rg has been sanctioned for 11 GRRC, which will also be used as a stn assest. The PDC of Baffle Rg is Sep 2023.
All Weather Rope Gallows. The present trg team has fabricated this structure in-house. It comprises of sixteen vertical ropes which can simultaneously be used in a very compact area.
. Rock Craft. 30 ft high vertical wall provides trg in Rock Craft and confidence building.
Close Quarter Battle Range. Close quarter battle range has been constructed for imparting training in close quarter battle conditions. The CQB range is has automatic sensors for popping and sliding targets. The rooms are fitted with visual cameras linked to a central room from where entire activity can be monitored. The CQB Range also possesses facilities for screen shooting.
FRASS. Firing Range Automated Scoring System (FRASS) has been installed at the Long Range. The newly inducted system using specialised tgts and cameras provides live and real time inputs on hits and misses as well as gives automated scores of each firer. This reduces the time taken for check tgt and repairing, and also instant correction by the firer after each rd being fired.
When it was victory, the cavalier claimed it outright, the gunner boasted of his calibre, the engineer and signalman publicised their worth, but the infantryman stood silent with victory at his feet."
-Field Marshal Wavell